Sunday, December 30, 2007

Health Unfavorable Elements


Lungs and Intestines-related. Breathing problems and illness such as asthma. Nose The lung and the large intestine mutually are the internal organs outside and inside, also is the trachea and the entire respiratory system Excessively prosperous or has faded, more suitable trouble large intestine, lung, navel, 咳痰, liver, skin, hemorrhoids, aspect and so on nose trachea disease

Sexual Organs, Sexual Diseases. Blood related problems, urinary disease or problems. Kidneys, Water Retention, Bloating and Oedema. Ear The kidney and the urinary bladder mutually are the internal organs outside and inside, also is the brain and the urinary system Excessively prosperous or has faded, more suitable trouble kidney, urinary bladder, shin, foot, head, liver, uropoiesis, genitals, waist, ear, womb, aspect and so on hernia disease

Liver and limbs related. Veins and Arteries. Gallbladder The liver and the gallbladder mutually are the internal organs outside and inside, also is the physique and the four limbs Excessively prosperous or has faded, more suitable trouble liver, gallbladder, head, neck, four limbs, joint, 筋脉, eye, aspect and so on nerve disease

Heart-related illness. Visual problems or problems with eyes. Small intestine & Tongue The heart and the small intestine mutually are the internal organs outside and inside, also is the blood vessels and the entire circulatory system Excessively prosperous or has faded, more suitable trouble small intestine, heart, shoulder, blood, menstruation, face, tooth, abdomen, aspect and so on tongue department disease

Stomach or abdomen-related. Digestive systems. Cells and Flesh. Skin, Muscles and Malignancies of the Cells. Mouth The spleen and the stomach mutually are the internal organs outside and inside, also is the intestines and the entire digesting system Excessively prosperous or has faded, more suitable trouble spleen, stomach, rib, back, chest, lung, aspect and so on stomach disease

Choosing the Right Career


Enthusiasm, Excitement, Energy, High spirits, Beauty (Cosmetics, Skincare Products), Mannerisms & Politeness. Advancement & Illumination. Pilots, Air Hosts & Hostess. Computer, Electronics & Electricity. Petrol, Oil lamps & Lighting. Electronics, Energy, Communications, Lightings, Entertainment, Alcohol, Food, Publishing, Stationery, Literature, Copywriter etc. South the suitable fire, is happy May be engaged in shines, illumination, optics, high fever, flammable, the oil class, the ethyl alcohol class, the hot diet, food, the haircut, the cosmetics, the person ornament, the literary arts, the literature, the stationery, the cultural student, the writer, the writer, writing, writes the article, the teacher, principal, the secretary, the publication, official business, and so on aspect management and enterprise

Mobile/Moving Businesses. Transportation, Courier or Tourism Business. Raring Fishes, Supplying Mineral Water, Filtering Mineral Water. Relates to Wisdom & Intelligence, involves Thinking, Creativity or Innovation. Involved in Strategic Planning & Analysis. Hygiene Company, Laundry or Cleaning. Shipping, Transport, Tourism, Aquatic Products, Refrigeration, Toys, Sports, Medical, Cleaning, Fishing Equipment, Nursing, Sound Engineering, Fishing/Sailing Equipment, Magic, Acrobats, Private Investigator, Fire Extinguishing Equipment, Reporters etc. North the suitable water, is happy May be engaged in the navigation, is cold warm does not burn the liquid, the ice water, the fish, the aquatic product, the water conservation, the refrigeration, the freezing, the fishing, washes cleanly, eliminates, the running water, the harbor, swims the pond, the lake pond, the bathing pool, cold food business, floats gently, rushes about, mobile, continuity, instable, is the water nature, the acoustic nature, the clean nature, the marine work, moves the travel, the aerobatic display, the movement, the tourguide, the travel, the toy, the magic, reporter, the spying, the hotel, fights fire the appliance, fishes the appliance, the medical service industry, medicine management, doctor, nurse, aspect and so on divine management and work

Real Estate, Buy or Sell Land, Building Materials, Selling Minerals, Stone Craft. Selling Tiles, Marble. Antique Dealers, Art Dealers. Relates to Trustworthiness, Selling Trust & Sense of Security, such as Healing & Insurance. Property, Construction, Mining, Chemicals, Insurance, Antiques, Consultancy, Realty etc. Suitable earth, place of the happy central committee, local May be engaged in the local product, the real estate, the countryside, raising livestock, the cloth, the clothing, the spinning and weaving, the stone material, the lime, the mountainous region, the cement, the construction, real estate business, the raincoat, the umbrella, the embanking, accommodates the water goods, the pawnshop, the antique, the intermediate, attorney, the management, business, the design, consultant, mourning industry, builds the grave, the tomb management, aspect the and so on Buddhist monks and nuns management and the enterprise

Justice & Righteousness. Armed Forces, Police Force & in Legal Profession. Goldsmith, Coin Collection, Pewter Industry, Grills & Aluminum, Selling Automobiles. Finance, Banking or Stock Trading Industry. Engineering, Machinery, Computer, Banking, Jewelry, Skin Care, Dentist etc. Suitable gold, happy west May be engaged in the fine filament material or the metal tool material, hard, the resolution, the martial arts, the appraisal, the main pipe, the automobile, the transportation, the finance, the project, the seed, opens up a mine, public opinion representative, logging, aspect and so on machinery management and work

Growth & Progress. Teaching & Helping others to Succeed. Timber, Plantation, Furniture or Goods made from Wood. Businesses that are Seasonal in Nature such as Fashion Design, Clothing Business. Work involves creating, inventing or designing. Lumber, Furniture, Carpenter, Hairstyling, Publications, Design, Paper products, Planting, Spices, Textile, Fashion etc. Suitable wooden, happy East May be engaged in the lumber, the wooden article, the furniture, the decoration, the wooden end product, the paper industry, the planter, the flower growing, nurtures the seedling, makes sacrifices to a god the goods, the spice, management and enterprise and so on vegetative vegetarian diet

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Introduction Ba Zi Reading

Ba Zi Reading is by far the most sophisticated and logical ancient Chinese art of fortune telling. It is derived from the I Ching, also known as The Book of Change some 3000 years ago. It is based on the interactions of the five basic elements namely Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth and their relationships with time, the seasons, directions and colours.

The Ba Zi method allows us to gain an insight into our lives, our strengths and weaknesses and our potential. It helps us to investigate our own destiny and predict with astounding accuracy our cyclical luck cycles. You can therefore make use of the information to improve your fortune, better your life, relationships, family life and ultimately be the MASTER of Your Own Destiny.

We advocate that you should be the MASTER of Your Own Destiny. The Advanced Whole of Life Report gives you a full report on your life chart from birth to old.

It gives you an insight on:

Your personality. You will understand yourself better including your strengths and weaknesses so that you could better manage your life.

Your career or business. You will receive a full detail analysis of your cyclical luck cycles. With this information, you can manage and strategize your moves better at time of uncertainty. Making the right move at the right time, you would have the ability to better your life and enhance your fortune.

Your relationship. You will gain an understanding on your relationships with people, your loved ones, your spouse and children. Find our when you are lightly to get married.

Your health. You will be warned when you should take care of your health.

Your luck cycles. The detail analysis of your luck cycles will help you to manage your career, fortune and health better.

The strategy is to make aggressive advancing moves at the good luck cycles and consolidate at the lesser luck cycles. You will be advised of your luck throughout your life and which are the years to make your advances.

Friday, August 31, 2007

What is a BaZi reading?
In simple terms, BaZi (pronounced bah-dzee) can be thought of as a form of Chinese Astrology. BaZi reading gives an astonishingly accurate portrait of a person's life according to the year, month, day and hour of birth.

In order to perform a BaZi reading, these four specific times are arranged in four columns or pillars, the so-called "Pillars of Destiny." Each segment of time is denoted by two groups: the first is comprised of the "Ten Heavenly Stems," the Yin and Yang parts of the five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Metal, and Wood. The second group is comprised of the "Twelve Earthly Branches," more commonly known as the twelve animals of the Zodiac: Horse, Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Goat, Snake, Rabbit, Ox, Rooster, Pig, Dragon and Rat.

A detailed analysis of the relationships among these Chinese characters yields information about the person's potential and future direction. It reveals personality traits, as well as strengths and weaknesses that may be applied to career choices and major life decision. It also reveals information about social interactions that may be used to enhance personal and career relationships.

Is BaZi a relatively new practice among the Chinese Arts?
BaZi is certainly not a new practice. The Chinese have likely practiced BaZi for about 3,000 years, yet it has only been documented for hundreds of years. However, BaZi is a relative newcomer to the Western world, and is therefore not as well known as other Chinese arts such as acupuncture and Feng Shui. In time, BaZi will most likely become just as widely accepted in the West as Chinese Medicine and Feng-Shui have become. In fact, Chinese Medicine, Feng Shui and BaZi are closely interconnected, as all of these arts originated in the I Ching and are linked by means of the Five-Element theory. Whereas Feng-Shui is concerned with manipulating environmental design, BaZi is concerned with timing, place and relationships. Like these better known treasures emanating from China, BaZi can enhance happiness, health and even longevity.

Does this mean that two people who were born on the same day, at the same exact time, will share the same destiny?
BaZi fortune telling is much like reading a movie script. The script can be pre-written in a certain way, but the director, producer and actors determine the true outcome of the final movie. Similarly, the same Beethoven piece will sound distinct to each orchestra that plays it because it is conducted by different musicians. Therefore, two people born at the same exact time may have the same "script," but how they choose to act out their roles varies from individual to individual. These two people are raised by different parents, surrounded by different environments and encounter different people in their lives. So, a BaZi reading can tell you what kind of "seed" you are for this life. But, how you take care of your seed, what kind of soil you use and where the seed is planted will all have an effect on how well the seed grows. So, many people may have the same birth time, date, month and year as Abraham Lincoln, but there is only one Mr. Lincoln. Some may even be much smarter and work harder than Lincoln, but they are not from same kind of seed.

Does this mean that there is no free will?
BaZi readings calculate astrology by universal rules. How you live your life based on these rules is still up to you. Your free will allows you to choose to live a happy or miserable life. So, we do have free will in our lives, but we still need to follow the universal rules. For example, you may have the free will to fly, but you do not have the wings. You need to follow Newton's law to design & make the airplane in order to fly. How much freedom you have to carry out your will is determined by nature. You determine what you will do with the freedom that nature does give you.

How can a BaZi reading help us in our personal relationships?
The insight that comes from a BaZi reading can help us understand our personal traits and use this information to enhance our relationships.