Sunday, December 30, 2007

Health Unfavorable Elements


Lungs and Intestines-related. Breathing problems and illness such as asthma. Nose The lung and the large intestine mutually are the internal organs outside and inside, also is the trachea and the entire respiratory system Excessively prosperous or has faded, more suitable trouble large intestine, lung, navel, 咳痰, liver, skin, hemorrhoids, aspect and so on nose trachea disease

Sexual Organs, Sexual Diseases. Blood related problems, urinary disease or problems. Kidneys, Water Retention, Bloating and Oedema. Ear The kidney and the urinary bladder mutually are the internal organs outside and inside, also is the brain and the urinary system Excessively prosperous or has faded, more suitable trouble kidney, urinary bladder, shin, foot, head, liver, uropoiesis, genitals, waist, ear, womb, aspect and so on hernia disease

Liver and limbs related. Veins and Arteries. Gallbladder The liver and the gallbladder mutually are the internal organs outside and inside, also is the physique and the four limbs Excessively prosperous or has faded, more suitable trouble liver, gallbladder, head, neck, four limbs, joint, 筋脉, eye, aspect and so on nerve disease

Heart-related illness. Visual problems or problems with eyes. Small intestine & Tongue The heart and the small intestine mutually are the internal organs outside and inside, also is the blood vessels and the entire circulatory system Excessively prosperous or has faded, more suitable trouble small intestine, heart, shoulder, blood, menstruation, face, tooth, abdomen, aspect and so on tongue department disease

Stomach or abdomen-related. Digestive systems. Cells and Flesh. Skin, Muscles and Malignancies of the Cells. Mouth The spleen and the stomach mutually are the internal organs outside and inside, also is the intestines and the entire digesting system Excessively prosperous or has faded, more suitable trouble spleen, stomach, rib, back, chest, lung, aspect and so on stomach disease

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